December 21, 2017
I want to buy my dad an HDTV because he has an old 15" sdtv, and not only is the TV very crappy, but nowadays all the sd channels seem to put all the content in widescreen, meaning that there are black bars on the video too.
I am thinking of buying him a 50" TV, but he doesn't want to upgrade to HD package since he just doesnt understand what HD is, despite of how much I tried to explain it to him (he is 82 years old).
So I guess he will keep the SD package. My question is, will the SD channels that seem to broadcast in widescreen actually be in widescreen on the new TV? I don't know how to explain it, but I don't know if the sd channels actually broadcast in widescreen or they just take the widescreen footage, slap black bars on it and put it out as 4:3. I think it would look very ****ty if the footage would still have to be run in 4:3 AND have the additional black bars despite having a widescreen TV. I don't know much about TV, so can someone with some experience explain? Just for the record, I dont watch television, and I have a 32" monitor, but no TV.
My second question is, if I do convince him to switch to HD, is it better to keep the satelite dish or switch to internet TV? The dish will get HD signal if we upgrade the package, but the problem is that whenever there is a strong wind or rains, it loses connection to the satelite and the image is scambled or doesnt work at all. Its fine most of the year, but hell during winter.
The internet on the other hand almost never fails regardless of how bad a storm is (unless it's like really really bad) so aI asume havig TV through internet will be very stable too. But how will it look? will it suffer from the same compression as online video, or still look as crisp as the signal from the satelite?
Please help.
I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.
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